Overview of the code

Now that you know about the domain and the technology, we can describe the given implementation of Poké-Fun.


The tcg module gives access to cards and their information.

  • The tcg.kt file defines a set of types that represent the information in cards, including their name, identifier, category, and type. We shall delve on these types in the What is (in) a deck section.
  • Basic validation is implemented in validation.kt. In the Validation section we'll improve this functionality.

General design

The diagram below roughly represents how Poké-Fun is architected.

graph LR;
  PokemonTcgApi <-.- SearchViewModel;
  subgraph View [SplitPane]
  SearchViewModel --- SearchPane;
  DeckViewModel --- SearchPane;
  DeckViewModel --- DeckPane;

In the center we find two different view models, which serve different purposes:

  • DeckViewModel (in deck/viewModel.kt) keeps track of the current status of the deck, including the cards contained in it, and the (potential) problems with that choice of cards.
  • SearchViewModel (in search/viewModel.kt) keeps track of the state of search, and is responsible for communicating with the Pokémon TCG API.

Access to the Pokémon TCG API is mediated by the PokemonTcgApi interface (in the tcg/api folder), for which we give a "real" implementation talking over the network using Ktor's client module, and a "fake" one with a few predefined cards. After finishing the Deal with bad internet section, we'll have some respectable code.

Two different views represent the data of the view models in a graphical manner. Those are put together in a single screen using a SplitPane, one of the desktop-specific components offered by Compose Multiplatform.

  • On the left-hand side we have the SearchPane (in search/view.kt), where the users input their search and see results. This view also adds selected cards to the deck, hence the dependence on the DeckViewModel.
  • On the right-hand side we have the DeckPane (in deck/view.kt), which simply shows the cards and problems.

Both view make use of common component to show a single Card and multiple Cards, found in tcg/cardView.kt. These components have an extra parameter which is used to provide the different elements required in each of the views (for example, the Add button in the search pane).