Better architecture

Topics: resource management, SuspendApp

Not all the work you do in an application directly translates into new features. Ensuring that the code remains understandable at the macro and micro level is an important task of a good developer.

Scouts rule

Leave something slightly better of than you found it.

As explicit as possible

One of the mottos of the style of functional programming we promote is making explicit as much of the function behavior as possible. In statically-typed languages like Kotlin, explicit means in the function signature. The information we want to explicit in functions are, among others:

  1. Services and resources required to execute the function. Those may be provided as simple arguments, or using extension receivers (and in the future, with context parameters).
  2. Whether the function is pure (in other words, it is just computation) or may perform side effects. In the latter case, we mark the function with suspend.

A longer explanation, including more examples of the usage of receivers, can be found in the Arrow documentation.

One downside which is often mentioned of that style is that dependencies need to be manually injected. That is, the developer creates the instances of every service used by the application, as opposed to using a dependency injection (DI) framework like Koin and Hilt. However, we don't see this as a downside: by taking control of the creation of services we end up with simpler logic, minimize the amount of inter-dependencies, and avoid runtime or compile-time costs associated to DI frameworks.

Resource management

One of the challenges with this style of programming is managing the acquisition and release of resources and services. One of the problems is too much nesting in their creation,

HttpClient().use { client ->
  KtorPokemonTcgApi(client).use { api ->
    // now start the application

Arrow solves this problem with resourceScope blocks. The code above can be rewritten with any nesting, given that they implement AutoCloseable.

resourceScope {
  val client = autoCloseable { HttpClient() }
  val api = autoCloseable { KtorPokemonTcgApi(client) }
  // now start the application

One step further is SuspendApp, which adds graceful shutdown to the whole application. By combining SuspendApp with Resource, you can ensure that finalizers runs correctly, even when the application is terminated.


Your task is to improve the current architecture of the application by introducing Resource and SuspendApp. Feel free to change the service constructors from the more implicit version provided to a more explicit version; for example, creating the HttpClient for KtorPokemonTcpApi explicitly.